Deep fryer capillary thermostatYour choice of a deep fryer capillary thermostat isn’t just a matter of preference; it’s a pivotal decision that fundamentally affects the safety and precision of the frying process. These capillary systems, whether single or dual, function as the behind-the-scenes guardians that ensure your fried dishes consistently meet the mark. Let’s dive deeper into the mechanics of these systems for a more comprehensive understanding. To view our line of capillary thermostats, click here.

Choosing Between Single and Dual Capillary Systems

In the world of deep fryers, users have the option to opt for a single or dual capillary system. Capillary thermostats consist of an essential component: the bulb, typically crafted from materials like stainless steel, dull nickel, or  copper plating. This bulb is fully immersed in the heating liquid, taking on the crucial task of monitoring the temperature.

A deep fryer capillary thermostat can have two primary designs. The first is the simple probe type, where a diaphragm is directly connected to the switch. This diaphragm is highly responsive to temperature fluctuations, quickly activating the switch when needed. The second option is the bulb and capillary configuration, offering a higher degree of flexibility. In this design, the contact component of the switch can be positioned at a distance from the immersed bulb, allowing for adaptability to various fryer designs.

In a single capillary system, the capillary thermostat assumes the role of a control switch. This capillary becomes the gatekeeper, overseeing the activation and deactivation of the heating elements based on temperature settings, which can be either predetermined by the manufacturer or adjustable by the user. This control mechanism is what ensures your deep fryer maintains the desired cooking temperature, a pivotal factor in consistently achieving the delectable results you desire.

The Vital Role of Safety Measures

But the story doesn’t end there. Many deep fryers incorporate an additional layer of protection through the inclusion of a secondary component: the secondary capillary thermostat. This feature serves as a safety measure and a limit control, purposefully designed to prevent the heating elements from pushing the oil into a runaway state. This runaway scenario is a dangerous condition that could lead to overheating, potentially causing damage to both the food and the equipment.

Manual vs. Automatic Reset Deep Fryer Capillary ThermostatsDouble Bulb and Capillary Sensor

Capillary switches can also be categorized based on their reset mechanism. Some require manual intervention for resetting, which means the operator must actively participate in restoring the system to its standard functioning state. This can be advantageous when precision control and deliberate oversight are priorities.

Conversely, automatic capillary switches reset themselves without the need for human intervention. This streamlines the process and reduces the demand for constant monitoring. This feature is especially valuable in bustling kitchen environments where minimizing downtime and human intervention is essential.

Enhancing Precision with Ambient Temperature Compensation

A standout feature setting high-quality capillary thermostat switches apart is their ambient temperature compensation capability. These advanced switches are engineered to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions, ensuring precise and consistent temperature control. This becomes particularly invaluable in settings where ambient temperatures undergo significant variations, such as in commercial kitchens with constantly changing conditions throughout the day.

The Choice of a capillary system and capillary switch configuration in your deep fryer significantly impacts the quality and safety of your culinary creations. Whether you opt for a single or dual capillary system, consider the necessity of a secondary capillary switch, or decide between manual and automatic reset, these choices profoundly influence the performance and reliability of your deep fryer. It’s imperative to make informed decisions aligned with your specific culinary needs and operating environment.

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Bulb & Capillary Thermostats

Original equipment manufacturers worldwide use thermostat switches designed and manufactured by STEMCO, a Division of Senasys. No matter which style or model you choose, all of the capillary thermostat switches operate using the same physics. A fluid is encapsulated in a metal and when the temperature changes the fluid either expands or contracts. This fluid change moves a diaphragm which is in touch with a snap action switch and either opens or closes a circuit.

Ambient Compensation

Our capillary thermostats can be ambient compensated to offset the differential in temperature which keeps our thermostat controls more accurate as it’s environment changes.

Custom Options

Capillary thermostat switches built by Senasys can also be built to customer specifications. This insures you get the exact control you want without paying for features you don’t need.